8 Times Wristbands Got Creative
Humble and practical, Tyvek wristbands don’t get enough credit. Sure, they’re excellent for things like multi-day events and music festivals. But they’re capable of so much more!
Below are seven unexpected uses and one practical use (although maybe less unusual) for paper wristbands and vinyl wristbands!
8 Times Wristbands Went Above and Beyond
1. Cast Your Vote:
Hosting a battle of the bands, talent show, or baking competition? Stubbed paper wristbands are a great, low-tech way to enable attendees to participate in judging. Place a ballot box out for each competitor and invite guests to use their stubs to vote for their favorite. US Eventgroove customer Red Ants Pants hosts the incredible Red Ants Pants Music Festival and uses our stubbed wristbands to engage the audience in choosing the best acts each year.

2. Contactless Entry + Ticket Alternative:
Of course, as you know, paper wristbands are typically used for crowd organisation. However, did you know they can also take the place of event tickets? Tyvek wristbands can be printed with variable QR codes. Upon check-in or re-entry, staff can scan them. This application is handy when you’re also sorting attendees into groups such as VIPs or press.
3. Luggage or Moving Tags:
Traveling with a team or school group? Get custom wristbands in bright colours printed with contact information to use as luggage tags. It’ll make finding and organizing the pile of luggage that much easier! Similarly, you can use wristbands to organize a move. Choose a different colour per room, then attach a wristband of that colour to the item you want to go in the corresponding room at the new house (don’t forget to give the moving crew a colour key!). It’ll help make getting everything in the correct space a lot easier, which is a huge boon—we all know what it’s like to discover your dresser somehow in the basement!
4. Coupons + Sponsorships:
Custom wristbands can also double as an advertisement opportunity. In addition to adding the sponsor’s logo, you can make the entire wristband act as a coupon. For example, if a local restaurant is a sponsor, have your event wristbands printed with “bring this wristband in for a free dessert!”
5. Jack and Jill Parties:
A bridal shower, hen’s night and buck’s night mashup, and Jack and Jill parties…these events are a blast and they raise cash for your wedding. Since guests pay to attend and the idea is to fundraise for the big bash, these are usually informal affairs. However, they’re also often BIG parties. Jack and Jill wristbands will make it easy to tell who’s an actual guest and who’s there for the (free) good time. Plus, if you’re giving away door prizes, stub wristbands are perfect for that!
6. Wedding Rehearsal Dinners:
Rehearsal dinners are often more easygoing affairs hosted at favourite restaurants and bars. If you’re not organising a private room, you’ll want to make it easy for guests to get their complimentary drink on! Custom wristbands are perfect for that. Your wristbands can be added to the out-of-town guest swag bags, or given to someone in the wedding party to distribute on site. When guests flash their wrist, bartenders will know their drink is on you.
7. Animal Tags:
Custom printed wristbands are great for organising guests, but what about animals? If you didn’t already know, horses are regularly shipped around the world. An Eventgroove team member recently spotted a wristband on a newly imported horse so that the air carrier and hauler knew for sure they were moving the correct horse to the right destination! (Horse tax picture of Conrad below!)
8. Keep the Kids Together:
Whether on a field trip to a water park or museum or even camping overnight, keeping track of kids is a top priority. Make it easier for teachers and staff to immediately identify kids and take a quick headcount by giving everyone a brightly coloured custom wristband. Printed with your school’s information and logo, they’ll help keep everyone together and expedite a reunion if someone gets lost.
We’re Here to Help!
Whatever your wristband needs, Australia, we’ve got a range of options from which to choose, all at a low cost. In addition, the Eventgroove team is always happy to create custom Tyvek wristbands with variable QR codes! To request a quote or get more information, connect with us by calling 800.796.003 or emailing support@eventgroove.com.au.
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